My Mistake…

I made a boo-boo. I messed up. I blew it. I screwed up… However you want to say it, I made a mistake.

I was performing strolling magic, plus balloon modelling and a short kids magic show at an event, several miles outside, what I'd call, my local area. It was all going great, and after almost two hours, I packed up my things, said goodbye to the organisers and left.

I got home and my wife said ‘Oh, you're back earlier than I thought,’ and I didn't think anything of it, until later that day when I was getting ready for a gig that evening.

I did wonder why I had so much time in between bookings, but thought it was just a good day… I was wrong. For some reason, I took a quick look at the invoice I had sent that day's first booking, and discovered to my horror, that I had left an hour early!

I think the organisers were too stunned/busy/confused to say anything as I was saying my goodbyes, and I felt terrible!

I quickly sent them an email, apologising profusely, and offering a range of ways I could make it up to them. They were incredibly understanding and jumped at the chance of a full show. So that's what I'm doing tomorrow, driving over an hour to perform for this organisation, and then driving over an hour home, in this mini-heatwave we're having. And I am so happy to be doing it. Because the other option is to feel awful about it, and to know that I let someone down. I can't have that, so it'll be my pleasure to perform tomorrow… and I'll stay until it's time to go!


The Slug Man Cometh


Edinburgh Fringe Festival… Days Eleven - Thirteen