Edinburgh Fringe Festival… Days Eleven - Thirteen

Well that's it. It's all over. My stint at the biggest performance festival in the world, has come to an end for this year.

I'm a little sad about that, but it's nice to have a lie in… I'm actually still in bed as I write this.

It has been a frantic, sweaty and quick two weeks. I've loved every minute of it! Every show was great fun. Every audience was so nice, and so appreciated. Every day was a privilege.

I'm fully aware that most people won't get to perform at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and of those who do, most won't have a sell out show, once, let alone ten times!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to everyone who came along, and to everyone who left a nice comment or a ‘like’ on my social media posts regarding the show. I will see you all again ❤️


My Mistake…


Edinburgh Fringe… Days Nine and Ten