So Awkward

A week ago, I was driving into the great city of Edinburgh to get to a kids party. It was a drizzly day, but not cold, so the party was happening in the garden, under a small canopy.

My satnav had suddenly stopped working the day before, so I got my old one out of storage and plugged it in. Unfortunately, it's a few years old, and as such doesn't know that Edinburgh is now blessed/plagued by trams (depending on which side you're on).

It was trying to direct me here, there and everywhere, but mostly places I could no longer drive in that city. I pulled over, put it away, and got my phone out. I used Google maps for the rest of the journey, on my phone, but before setting off again, I called the lady who had booked me. Here's how the conversation went…

Me: Hi. I'm sorry about this, but I've been having problems with traffic, so I'll be with you as soon as I can, but I might be ten minutes later than planned.

Her: What's that? It's a bad line, I can hardly hear you.

Me: I just wanted to let you know that I'm running a little bit late. My satnav died, but I'll be there as soon as possible.

Her: Oh, that's fine. Just take your time. We'll wait. Sorry to hear about your dad dying!

Me:……………… 😮

The call ends

So, the next ten minutes of my journey is spent dreading the awkwardness of having to explain that it's my satnav, not my dad, which has died!!

Luckily, when I got there, I discovered that he sister had been in the room, and the call was on speaker phone, so the sister heard what I had actually said… Thank goodness!


The Shop Front...


My Returning Curse