The Shop Front...

I recently took a trip to Dublin with a friend. What a weekend! Lots of laughs, lots of music and a bit of alcohol.

On the last day, between the hotel check out at 11am and the (delayed) flight at 7pm, we wandered the city looking for something to do. We quickly found the Dublin Wax Museum and thought ‘why not’.

Now, to be fair, many of the wax sculptures did look good, but a few of them… Homer Simpson looked like he had been on a crash diet, Deadpool must have been sick recently and Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd) could have literally been any little boy 🤷🏻‍♂️

And why did The Joker have real teeth?!

The science exhibit at the start of the tour looked promising, but nothing worked, and the hall of mirrors seemed exciting, but lasted about 5 seconds.

The point of this post is not to have a go at that particular establishment, but rather to say that what you advertise in your shop front, or website, should be what you deliver. It's not fair, or right, to lure people in to buying from you, only to under deliver.


Impending Entertainment


So Awkward