
It's hard enough being self-employed at the best of times. Throw in a global pandemic and mandatory lockdowns, and it's almost impossible to sustain a business in the entertainment field.

I find it incredibly challenging. But I know I'm not alone. I also know, I'm not as bad off as some people. And I know we’ll get through it.

This is why online magic Zoom shows are really helpful to someone like me. If I could, I would do five Zoom shows a day (so if anyone wants to book me five times a day…). They are truly great fun and although much cheaper for the customer, they help me keep my head just above water.

So tell your friends, tell your family, tell that word guy down the street, get online and book a magic show. More importantly, if you know anyone else in the creative arts or entertainment sector, please support them if you can. Don't go to Amazon for your handmade candle holders, your printed t-shirts, your natural soaps, or your entertainment. Instead, get in touch with someone you know, or someone who knows someone you know.

We will get through this, but only if we stick together.

Let me know what you do to protect your emotional, physical and fiscal well-being, in the comments.


The Why


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