The Why

People often ask how I got into magic, or when I started, but very few people ask why. To be honest, the answer is not that interesting - a combination of boredom, loneliness and very little money left me searching for something I could learn, and maybe develop into a hobby.

If however, I was asked why I think other people should give magic a go, the reasons are far more interesting…

  • Learning and sharing this new skill builds confidence

  • You'll always have a party trick or two

  • Sleight of hand will keep your mind and muscles active

  • Magic is a great way to get noticed, and a great excuse to strike up a conversation

  • You will feel a sense of achievement the first time you successfully ‘trick’ someone

  • This can be an expensive hobby… or it can be practically free. Magic can be performed with almost any item you have lying around your house

Lessons are available, so do get in touch if you'd like to know more, or just leave a note in the comments section.


Not Just Magic

