“That Sounds Expensive!”

You know the expression 'Pay Cheap, Pay Twice'? It's true at least 99% of the time.

If you need your leaking toilet sorted, you'll probably hire a professional plumber. If your car is making funny noises, and the radio just won't cover it any more, you'll most likely take the vehicle to a garage where it can be inspected by professional mechanics. And when you send your kids to school, as helpful as classroom assistants are, you would probably prefer it if the professional teacher did the teaching throughout the school year.

It's the same thing in most fields. You can get your funny cousin to come along to your kids party and try to entertain 50 kids, ranging in age from 3-13, but that cousin will quickly run out of steam, or will only keep a very small portion of those kids engaged.

Your neighbour might have a face-painting kit she can bring along, but if she hasn't practiced, a lot, chances are everyone is going home with the same basic face art.

You don't have to hire the most expensive person, or the flashiest looking service. Shop around and see what you can afford, and what you like the look of. But if you want professional entertainment, you really do need to hire a professional entertainer.

This picture sums it up, really…


Can I Trust You?


I Did It Before… I Can Do It Again