Can I Trust You?

Look at these pictures…

Pretty good? Professional enough feel to them?

Yeah, they're okay, but the best artwork in the world, won't guarantee that I'm any good at what I do. Also, I knocked them all up on my phone.

If you're hiring a professional, as we discussed, how do you know you can count on this person after you've handed over your cash?

Here's a few things to consider, when employing the services of any type of entertainer…

• Reviews - Does this person/company have any reviews anywhere? Whether online, or word of mouth from someone you trust, it's a comfort to see that others have been satisfied with the service provided.

• Social Proof - It's not just reviews. Photo’s can really help you decide if this person is right for you. If every picture on their website or Facebook page, or whatever, is of them, alone in their living room, then it's hard to know if they've ever actually performed in front of real people before.

• Price - You don't have to break the bank, but if nine people you've spoken to are offering a service for £200-£250, and the tenth person is offering it for £50, there might just be a reason they're so cheap.

• Professionalism - When you speak to this person on the phone, or exchange emails, how do they come across? Are they rude? Do they seem really shy, or incredibly loud? Do they speak in a way you guests will appreciate, or do they speak in guttural slang? First impressions count, and chances are, your first impression of this person will be a similar one to your guests. Think about how you want your event presented.

Obviously, this is just a small selection of things to look out for, but each one is worth thinking about.


Oh, Very Young


“That Sounds Expensive!”