I Did It Before… I Can Do It Again

I used to be skinny. Really skinny. At 5’8” I weighed in at 9 stone, and maybe 2 or 3 pounds. I was always underweight but it wasn't the worst thing. It was really easy to have a six-pack 😂

Eventually I learned about weightlifting and proper nutrition, and in eight months I had put on some muscle. I was now just under 12 and a half stone, and I was loving it!

Over the years though, I stopped consistent training, swapping the gyms and fitness studios for pubs and nightclubs. Protein shakes were gone and in their place was pints of beer. Great times 😂

A few years ago I had reached ‘critical mass’. I was almost 15 stone and I knew I had to take back control. So I did. I exercised 5-6 days a week, using weights, hoping for long jogs and longer walks, as well as eating right.

It worked! I went down to 11 and a half stone. My ‘fighting weight'.

But once again, a few years passed and I let the good habits slip. I started staying up late and having a couple of whiskies, or a bowl of sugary cereal, or 4 bags of crisps 😬

So now it's time to regain control. I'm currently at around 13 and a half stone (ish).

Watch this space. And hold me accountable if I don't do it!! Seriously. Tell me off, call me names and let me know I'm a disappointment. It's the only way I'll learn 😜


“That Sounds Expensive!”


Chocolate and Latex