What Am I Supposed To Do?

At a birthday party a few months ago, I finished my show, made balloons for the kids, and they all went off to eat. After about ten minutes, one little boy approached me and said ‘What do I do now?’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

'I finished my food. What do I do now?’

I realised that he, like do many other children had never been to a party before. Covid and all that came with it, took away two years worth of socialising for these young kids.

I took him over to one of the parents and they told him he could go and play. He went off, happy.

I still see them though, the wide-eyed, not-too-sure kids, and I feel for them.

All we can do is make sure they all feel comfortable, safe and do our best to give them a great, fun time to remember!


Keeping Cool


Check Yourself