Keeping Cool

This heat… Wow! In the UK, we don't handle the heat well. Our air pressure is too low, or maybe too high. Our houses are built to keep heat in, not to keep us cool.

It's extreme.

Here are a few tips for keeping cool, whatever you're up to…

  • Freeze a big bottle of water and wrap a towel around it. Then you have a cool towel, and a cold drink.

  • Dress appropriately… don't head out in a scarf and woolly hat!

  • Plan ahead. It's not only crazy hot, it's also the school holidays, so you know people will be traveling to the beaches and parks in droves. Leave early enough and practice patience! Particularly if your you are driving!

  • Take a fan. A little battery operated one, an around the neck, hands-free one, or even just an old-fashioned one you flap around in front of your face. They'll all help.

  • Find shade. Don't sacrifice your health for an extra bit of a tan. Moderate your time in the sun.

  • Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Drink water. Flavoured water, or water with cordial is fine, but drink water! Lots of it.

  • Don't walk your dog… just don't.

  • Drive safe! I know I alluded to it before, but please keep your cool on the busy roads.


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