Safety First

At the weekend, I performed at a wedding and the DJ (quite rightly) made an announcement early in the evening, saying that anyone moving between tables, or to the bar, had to wear a face mask.

Everyone complied but there were a couple of grumbles. Is it that much of an inconvenience?

If the venue, or the host want you to wear a mask, just wear a mask. It is easier for people to hear me, and read my facial expressions if I don't have a mask on, but it's not going to negate a good magical effect.

When I approach a table, I do tend to ask the guests if they are okay with me removing my mask to speak to them. At this stage, most people are happy enough for me to take it off.

However, if I am standing at a table with eight people, and only one of the eight would prefer it if I kept my face covered, I will. If I didn't, and that person didn't feel comfortable, or left, then the whole mood would be affected. Why would I do that to the magic? More importantly, why would I do that to that one person?! My job is to entertain. That's it, and I'll do that to the best of my abilities, following whatever rules I need to.

Just wear a mask when requested, please.


It's All There For The Taking


There's Practice, And Then There's Practice!