It's All There For The Taking

What do you want to learn?

A new language?

A few magic tricks?

How to sing?

What to do in an emergency?

You can learn and do anything you want to. It has never been easier to find the information you need. Just type the right words into your phone or laptop, and you have all the knowledge you need.

The hard part isn't even doing it. That first lesson in anything you're interested in is always exciting and fulfilling. The hard part is doing it again and again.

I really want to be able to draw. As a kid that's all I did, but now I find it difficult to draw a square. I know I will get better if I try every day, but will I try, will I practice every day?

Probably not. I want to, but obviously I don't want to enough, or I would. This is the key though. I wouldn't have gotten good at magic or Ventriloquism, or entertaining if I hadn't practiced, and practiced a lot!

If you want something, you can definitely go and get it, but expect to work for it and if you really want it, you will.


Don't Panic (buy)!


Safety First