A Funny Little Tradition In A Funny Little Town

Here in Scotland, many towns and villages celebrate a Gala Day each year. Children and adults get dressed up and lorries and tractors are decorated thematically. Growing up I took part, Andi was a bumble bee, a carpet bagger, a native American (although that's not what it was called in 1988), and several other things.

My hometown is a little different from most though. We don't have a Gala Day, we have Lanimers.

(I don't know either.)

Rather than a Saturday, it takes place on a Thursday, and instead of just one day of associated events, we have a full week. One of the events, the first, is known as The Marches. Two and a half thousand locals walk for three and a half miles to check the boundary stones, making sure no invaders are nearby. This started in 1752.

Lanimers itself started in 1140!


A Special Day


Water You On About?