A Special Day

On Sunday just past (19th June 2022), Chester turned 7!

Now the exact date might not be quite right, but it was Father's Day here in the UK, and one of the first gifts my step-kids gave me, after they started seeing me as a father figure, was Chester!

It changed everything.

My shows were transformed and I discovered that Ventriloquism was as much of a joy to me as magic.

Since then, puppets of all kinds have been in my act. Some have come and gone, but most have come and stayed, and if there's ever a time for Chester to retire, he will always have a place in my home.

Thanks to Jacob and Lois for introducing me to Chester and the world of Ventriloquism!


‘You Can't Entertain 3-year Olds’


A Funny Little Tradition In A Funny Little Town