Water You On About?

I have a little bit of a tan. It's not surprising really. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I was performing magic, Ventriloquism and balloon modelling outdoors. In a church yard, a field and a restaurant-cum-wedding venue.

I try to keep on top of things and wear some protective lotion, and if it's a midge repellent too, that's a bonus.

The biggest balancing act when performing in the heat though, for me, is hydration.

I drink a fair amount of water generally, and especially when I'm in a 3 piece suit with the sun beating down on me. It's the smart thing to do. However, it brings it’s own problems. I know this is different for different people, but for me, an increase in water leads to a few toilet breaks. Well, a lot of toilet breaks actually. It's a real problem and we need to discuss it πŸ˜‚

Okay, it's not that bad, but all I'm saying is that for some (like me), it's worth thinking about little things like this early on.

Water? Check

Anti-perspirant? Check

Knowledge of location of nearest WC? Check

What am I forgetting? Let me know in the comments


A Funny Little Tradition In A Funny Little Town


Imagination Station