Fake It Til You Make It

The number one key to my success in what I do is confidence.

Absolutely no one is going to believe that I'm a great magician, if I don't. The truth is, I'm not an incredible sleight-of-hand artist, or the best ventriloquist ever, but when I'm performing, I truly believe I am.

The very first time I took a puppet to a magic show, I pulled it out of a carrier bag ,(the puppet was a big lion's head), looked at the audience (mostly kids) and put it straight back in. It was a disaster.

I lost my bottle.

It was several years later that I tried again. I took Marvin (who still makes the occasional appearance) along to a school show, and although it wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be, the kids loved it! So I kept going, and I added more puppets, and now they are a huge part of my show.

It's the same with new pieces of magic in stage shows or close-up performances. As long as I believe, so will you.


A Good Night Is Hard To Find


Be Prepared