Ad Mad

When you take a walk in any town or city in this country, you can't help but see some form of advertising. Huge billboards, posters on the sides of buses, and bus stops, in-store promotions advertised in shop windows...

Turn on the TV or radio, or listen to a podcast or buy a magazine and you will be met with even more ad's. They are, understandably, everywhere!

For someone like me though, this is the stuff of dreams. It's unlikely that my name, or the offer of my services, will ever be on a twenty-foot sign by the side of the road. I would love it to happen, but it's not realistic. The best that I, and businesses in the same position as me can do, is bombard social media and when appropriate, distribute flyers and posters.

So if you see one of your creative friends posting about their upcoming project, again and again, go easy on them. It's all we can do.

By the way, tickets for my upcoming shows are advertised in this site, so stay tuned 😉


Why Do I Do It? 🎅


Fooled Me