Why Do I Do It? πŸŽ…

I'm sat in my car, wearing a big red suit and about to put on a big white beard.

I do this every year, and every year I think β€˜This will be the last year. It's too much hassle. Too much travel for short visits. Too many gifts to choose and wrap. Too many days of living on the road.’

And then every year I remember why I do it.

I see the faces.

It's genuinely heartwarming to see the joy and adoration on the faces of the little kids. I mean, the payments add up, so that's a bonus, but I could make the same money by doing a few more magic shows. The real payment is the feeling I get. It's Christmas. It's joy. It's real magic.

Maybe one more year…


Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!


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