Every Picture Holds A Memory (1)


Between 2016 and 2018, I served onboard the Brittany Ferries vessel Armorique, traveling between Plymouth, England and Roscoff, France. I also served on the P & O vessel, Pride Of Bruges traveling from Hull, England to Zeebrugge, Belgium.

As the entertainer on these ships, I had time to explore these new foreign locations (like Hull) and to get to know the crew, but when it was Showtime, the pressure was on!

On my first day, I was aware that many of the families aboard were not English speakers and this made me nervous. More nervous than I needed to be. The show went fine, and everyone left happy and amused, but my mentor onboard, Mike, asked me why I had been speaking so slowly, and at times not speaking at all πŸ˜‚

I learned quickly and did what I do best… make a fool of myself for the enjoyment of others.


On my third and final voyage (I was too busy with corporate bookings in 2019, and in 2020… well, you know), I got seasick! I don't know why it suddenly hit me then, on my third time out and ten minutes before a show, but it did. I spent the duration of that performance in a queasy daze.

There was one night on the Pride Of Bruges when I performed my whole show to two children. There were a few adults scattered around the hall, but I performed just for this little couple. At the end I decided since it was just them, that I would make them each a balloon model. Something more elaborate than a sword or a dog. I had the time, right?


As soon as I made the little girl a rocking horse out of balloons, and her brother a monkey on a tree, twenty more kids appeared, seemingly from nowhere each demanding a balloon.


I think I lost about three stone in sweat that night πŸ˜…

Every trip was great fun with magic for the kids and adults and I would love to do more.


Every Picture Holds A Memory (2)


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