Every Picture Holds A Memory (2)

This is something I really, really can't wait to get back to. School Shows.


I've missed performing at all events and for all audiences, but there's something special about performing for pre-schools and primary schools. I love to see all the kids laughing together, and whispering when they're trying to figure out the secret of a magic trick. And when I can see a little person who is obviously shy, but willing to come up and help, it's my job, and my pleasure, to make that child look like a star.

I don't have many fond memories of my own school days, so on that one day that I get to visit a particular school, I really do my best to make it a good day for the pupils and staff in attendance. I am well aware that for many of the kids, this is the first time they've ever seen magic and puppets (who are real to them in a way we can't comprehend.)


I never charge very much for school shows because I truly enjoy them. I love getting there and getting set up early, so I can enjoy the kids art projects decorating the walls or hanging from the ceiling, and after the show, when the kids all line up to go back to their classes, it's such a nice feeling when the kids are giving me a high-five or a wave to say goodbye. After the show, they're all my wee mates… but of course, I'm never as popular as Chester or Harris πŸ˜‚


Oscar who?


Every Picture Holds A Memory (1)