If You Ever Hire An Entertainer…

  • Let them know how many people will be there. I've turned up to gigs expecting a hundred people to be there, and there were three times that amount. I've also turned up to two people, when I've been expecting a crowd.

  • Will the effect be happening indoors or outdoors? Please let us know. I've stood laterally shivering while trying to make balloon models, and I've sweated through my waistcoat.

  • If you can, offer the entertainer a drink. I usually have a drink with me, but there have been times where I've left it in my car, and suffered for it. A glass of water can go a long way.

  • Remember that performers can be like reluctant partners… we need space! If you can, try to figure out where the performance will take place, and where the audience will be, before the act arrives. One of my pet peeves is when I'm performing and someone just walks right across me, blocking me from the audience.

  • Don't give the kids party blowers, balloons or anything else too distracting before the show begins. If you're posting me to adjust them, then please let me.

  • Make payment upfront, or have it ready. This makes it easier on both parties. There's nothing more uncomfortable for a performer than finishing up, then having to find the organiser, wait for them to finish up what they're doing (particularly at weddings) and then sheepishly ask for payment, before having to rush off to the next gig.

  • And please, if possible, save a parking space for the entertainer. This will save them so much time and stress, and it'll save you a worried ‘Are you still coming?’ text/call. I know it's not always do-able, but it is hugely appreciated when it is.


The Dangers Of Life On The Road


Dr. Footlights