The Game Of Dreams

I'm currently in Lanzarote, watching the sun rise over the volcanic rocks and preparing for another day in the heat.

I should still be asleep, but it's always the same on holiday. I either get a bit sunburnt (as I have now, and yes, I use factor 50), or the food disagrees with me, or I had more than a couple of drinks the night before, or the general heat and 'muginess' of the place keeps me awake.

Either way, the lack of sleep is probably my least favourite part of a foreign holiday.

At home though, I might stay up too late, or toss and turn occasionally during the night, but getting to sleep is usually easy enough.

Here's my secret…

I play a game.

It's a game you can play, and it works with almost anything. For me, it's movies, or songs, or songs by a certain artist.

I get comfy, close my eyes and go through the alphabet in my head.

A - Alien

B - Bloodsport

C - Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Go through the alphabet, naming a movie, or football player, or song, or food, or whatever for each letter. If you can't think of anything for a certain letter, just move on.

Eventually your mind will get so relaxed and clear that you'll be asleep before you get to the letter N.

Give it a try, and let me know how you get on.


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