Why Did I Start A Blog?

Good question! I ask myself that every time I look at the blank screen in front of me, wondering what to write.

I have always enjoyed writing, as a hobby, and other than entertainment, my dream job would be as a novelist. So writing a blog isn't hard work for me, it's fun. The hard work is coming up with subjects to write about.

I wanted to start writing here regularly for several reasons…

  1. As mentioned, I enjoy writing, and this lets me practice that skill.

  2. I like to let people know what I'm up to, and share funny stories or relevant thoughts.

  3. The only place people can read the blog is here, on this website, so it's good to have more people dropping by my site.

  4. It keeps me focused. I know I have to write at least one post a week (I usually manage it, but things like getting married sometimes delay my posts), so that forces me to keep my head in the game and come up with relevant content.

I just hope you all enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy creating it!


Edinburgh Fringe Festival… Day One


The Game Of Dreams