Pain In The… Back

I have done something to my back. It is incredibly painful and so much worse after driving anywhere.

On Thursday, my wife and I had an overnight stay in Edinburgh planned. We were meeting some friends for dinner and drinks, and we were excited. Ten minutes before we got on the train, my back was suddenly in agony. I don't know why or how, but it was not good.

We got through the night, and it wasn't too bad by the time we had enjoyed a few drinks, but the next morning in the hotel, I couldn't put my socks on. My wife had to help me. It was the same again on Saturday, right before I drove for two hours to perform at a wedding, for four hours, and then drove another two hours home.

I don't know what I've done but I'm hoping it will ease up soon. If not, I'll be back at the chiropractor for help.

It's currently Sunday morning, and I'm dreading the drive to today's gig, albeit less distance than yesterday's. Today I'll be hosting my children's magic show at a birthday party. And the point of this post isn't (only) to moan, but to say that my clients/spectators/audiences will never know about the pain.

They want to have a good time, and for that, I'll keep smiling and hide my discomfort as much as I can.

Of course, there are steps I can take to help myself, and therefore help my customers enjoy the show. I'll wear a heat patch. I'll arrive early, so I can stretch and loosen up the muscles before I start the show. I'll take some pain killers, and crucially, I'll remember that I just have to get through an hour long kids magic and puppet show, and then I can get back home to rest my weary body… I'm sure I'm too young to be falling apart this much 😅😭


Pain In The… Back pt. 2


The Slug Man Cometh