Pain In The… Back pt. 2

My back pain has gotten worse. For a day or two, I felt like I was on the mend. I could even put on my own socks!

But then, it started to get worse again, and I currently can't find any way to sit/stand/kneel/crouch/lie without pain. I'm awake most of the night and grouchy during the day.

I've had to cancel my bookings for Sunday… but I got cover. This is what I want to talk about. Getting cover.

If you agree to do a job (gig, whatever) and you can't make it, try to make sure the customer still gets what they need. I managed to get two great magicians to take my place at tomorrow's gigs. I'm gutted at the work I'm losing, the financial loss, and the fun I'll be missing out on, but at least I can hold my head high in knowing that I did everything I could to ensure no one is let down.

Being disappointed is not a good feeling, but being the cause of disappointment feels so much worse.


Cover Me! I'm (not) Going In!


Pain In The… Back