Confused About Zoom?

It is a whole new world we live in. Things have definitely changed. Some things for the better, some not.

In my line of work, I don't think I had even considered going online with a performance, outside of YouTube, but when things changed, I started off by posting a video every day, for 50 days straight. After that, I found out that online shows, whether for children or adults, are great fun!

Some common questions, and their answers, include…

  • Is An Online Show Expensive? …Booking an online magic performance is actually a cost-effective way to provide entertainment. You might be surprised.

  • Is It Still Interactive? …Obviously, I can't hang the spectator any cards, etc, but there are ways around that. If you can see and hear me, and I can see and hear you, then it can and will be interactive.

  • What About Technical Faults? …Things happen, although with a phone and a laptop on the go and the option of both WiFi and 5G, we should have everything covered.

  • How Many People Can Join In? …As many as you like, really. As long as you can see what I'm doing, then the more the merrier.

  • Who Is This For? …Well, who is laughter and surprise for? Everyone and anyone! Obviously, the show changes depending on the audience. There are less puppets in shows for teenagers (but not none), and there is very little mind reading in the toddlers show.

Give me a call, or leave a note in the comments if you have any other questions.


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“Get Over It”