How Do You Throw A Party On A Budget?

How do you plan a party without spending a fortune?

It can be really tricky to get it just right. You don't want to go overboard and find yourself struggling for the rest of the month, but you also don't want your function to appear ‘cheap’.

So what can you do? Here are a few ideas…

  • LOCATION - Church and Village Halls can be really inexpensive to hire out for a couple of hours, or hosting the party in your own home may also be a cost-effective and more intimate option.

  • FOOD - If you feel like you can't cook/won't cook, then I'm sure you know someone who can help out. If not, there are companies who will provide cheap and cheerful party food for a low cost.

  • ENTERTAINMENT - An entertainer can seem expensive, but the right one really can make the party. For kids, you just give him/her a place to perform, point the kids in that direction and you can sit back and relax. When it's over, the kids head home, excited and tired out for the rest of the day. For adults, you can be the hero of the event for arranging a great entertainer. Whether it's giving everyone something to look at in a show/parlour setting, or visiting prior art their tables, this is something people will always remember about the event.

  • GO VIRTUAL - I perform online, and these shows are great fun! Why not give it a try? Another option is, find a party mix on YouTube or Spotify and let it play while you enjoy the party.

  • THEME - Find a fun theme for your party, and invite the guests each to bring something fitting. Make it a Mexican night and let your guests provide tequila and tacos.

  • FAKE PRETENTION - Have you ever been to a fancy restaurant where they charge fifty bucks for a square of pastry and a blob of sauce in the middle of a big empty plate? Yeah, just do that. Get some good food and split it up into tiny portions for your guests. Call it fine dining… I can't promise this will go down too well, but it might be worth a try 😉

Let me know some of your money saving ideas in the comments.

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