
On Saturday night, I travelled to Kilmarnock and performed at The Park Hotel.

I spent an hour outside of the main banquet hall, entertaining the kids with magic, puppets and balloons. A few of the adults stuck around too and enjoyed the show.

After that, I went back to my car, sprayed some deodorant and changed my upper body attire. Looking more the part, I entered the banquet hall where I spent another hour performing for the adult wedding guests who were sitting in tables of ten.

It was a great night!

When I left, I realised I had been to this venue before, but never to perform, or to stay.

The Park Hotel was the site of the very first (and only for almost a decade) magic convention I attended. SAMS 2012 took place here, and I remember having a great time!

I had booked a room in a B&B in town (maybe a two mile walk) and definitely got my step count up that weekend. I didn't drink at that time, so at least I wasn't staggering home at the end of the night.

The convention itself was fun and my introduction to John Archer, R Paul Wilson, Kimmo and several others. The highlight was the gala show though, and the place was jam packed for this!

I'd like to attend more local conventions and the Scottish Association of Magical Societies hold one each year… but I'm always working when it's on. Maybe I'll get to go this year 🤞🏻

If you get to attend a gathering of like-minded people, whether it's a fandom, a hobbyist group or something else, take the chance and go along. You've nothing to lose and everything to gain.


A Decade Of Deception


Lights, Camera…