Every Picture Holds A Memory (3)

In 2012, just as I was getting started in magic (showing card tricks to friends in pubs, etc), I got to meet three of my magical heroes.

The first was a young guy who, at that time, had just exploded onto the scene by walking across the Thames.

I travelled overnight from Glasgow to London, by bus and arrived in the city early in the morning. I'd slept on the journey so I had a fun day to kill. I was going to see Dynamo and other top class magicians perform at The Magic Circle headquarters, but the doors didn't open until 7pm.

I had taken a novel for the journey, and for something to read when I was having lunch, etc, buy I'd finished it by ten am.

I wandered around the city, taking in the free museums, etc and buying overpriced food. I even went to the cinema when the sky opened and soaked me to the bone. I sat through one of the worst movies I'd ever seen (The Devil Inside) because it just happened to be what was showing at the time.

On my walk to HQ, the sun came back out and I met two of TV's Loose Women. They were both on calls but happy to smile for a photo.

I eventually got to the Magic Circle building and joined the queue. I got inside and discovered it was a free bar that night, but at the time I was teetotal so I still feel cheated πŸ˜‚

The performers onstage, and in a close up setting were all great and I was able to get a selfie with Dynamo himself. I also won second prize in the take, so I spent the rest of the night lugging around a huge magic set, and had to sleep on the bus home with it underneath me.

It was a long journey there and back and it was a very long day wandering around London on my own, with little money… but I still think it was worth it. Any time you get the chance to see live magic, take it. Even if you have to travel a little.


Every Picture Holds A Memory (4)


Making Memories