Every Picture Holds A Memory (4)

I was freshly showered and shaved, in my three piece suit and ready for another Saturday night performing at Viva Brazil, Glasgow.

I drove to Uddingston and made the last ten minutes of the journey by train, to save the hassle of parking in the city centre.

I walked up to the restaurant, excited as ever… and it was shut! I could see a light on behind the bar, but otherwise the place was in darkness, in fact, the whole street was dark. The manager appeared at the door full of apologies that she couldn't let me know in time, but there was a power cut, putting all the local businesses in the dark.

I was dejected and annoyed. I wanted to go and have a few drinks and just enjoy the fact that I had been given an unexpected night off (always try to find the positive), but I had the car parked ten minutes away, so I couldn't do that.

I decided to visit other restaurants in Glasgow and leave business cards. While I was in One Up, a nice bar/club, explaining to the manager, Helen, that I wanted to leave some business cards, she asked me if I wanted to go and perform for that nights customers. So I did, and I ended up with a showreel, because I asked the people I was performing for, to film the magic.

I ended up having a great night and got more from it than I expected.


It's Just An Illusion!


Every Picture Holds A Memory (3)