The Truth About Dynamo

Something I hear a lot is ‘Have you seen that Dynamo? How did he do that?!’

‘Is that possible? Did he actually walk on water?’

‘Does he actually have special powers?’


Well, when it comes to any powers he might have, or is his magic real, or is it just camera tricks, the truth is this…

I don't know!

I wasn’t there when Dynamo, or any other TV/internet magicians performed these feats. Maybe he can float in front of Christ The Redeemer, maybe he can walk through glass, or maybe he can't. But maybe he can create the illusion that he can do those things.

I'm not him, and I want’t there, so I don't know. I do know, however, that these things look like magic and, at the end of the day, it is entertaining. And that's all that matters.

Just enjoy it 😉




Fully Recharged