Face It

Last week, I performed at a learning centre for pre-schoolers. It was great fun, and as always Chester, Scruffy and Harris were absolutely loved by the kids. I was tolerated 😂

I could see their little faces as they entered the room, all wide-eyed and curious, several of them waving at me as they sat down. Very few of them showed that usual hint of nervousness that very little kids often display when seeing a stranger in their playroom.

I found out why when one of the group leaders introduced me. The staff had printed off a picture of me (and Chester) and had it stuck to the wall for the full week before my arrival.

What a great idea!

The kids came into the room knowing who I was and why I was there. They instantly saw me as a friend, someone to make them laugh.

From now on, whenever I'm being booked to perform for very little children, I will suggest that the organiser gets a picture of me (or I will offer to send them one) so that the kids can get used to the idea of this weird, funny guy coming into their space for a little while.

In an upcoming blog, I will talk about the challenges, and pleasures, of entertaining this age group. It's not something everyone can do.


Merry Christmas


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