Money Talks

Near the start of the 2020 lockdown, I received notice of a cancellation. Actually, I received loads. This was expected. It couldn't be helped.

There was one person though, who contacted me to say her event was cancelled and she would like her deposit back. At the time, I was refunding everyone, no questions asked if an event was cancelled due to government guidelines. Otherwise, my terms and conditions are such that deposits are not refundable, but 100% transferrable.

This client had said she was calling off the party because of the incoming legislation, so I was ready to refund her.

However, I explained to her that, as we were a few weeks into non-stop refunding, with absolutely no money coming in, it would be the following week before I could send her the money.

It was £50. Sitting here today, with steady gigs coming in (for now…), that doesn't seem like much money. At that time though, having just gone onto Universal Credit, which for me was £450-ish or month, this was a lot more money than I actually had.

This lady was not happy, but I had no solution for her. Almost every other person cancelling at this point was understanding.

I received emails from her daily though. The general gist was ‘Come on, it's only fifty quid.’

It was only fifty quid. But it was fifty quid I didn't have and this lady could not comprehend the possibility of not having that amount readily available.

In normal times, I would have the deposit ready to return if necessary, right up until the day of performance, but this was not normal times.

Anyway, a week later I paid her from my Universal Credit payment and later found out that the event had in fact gone ahead! She has used the current situation to cancel a couple of suppliers without having to give up the deposits!

Anyway, to the 99% of people I deal with who are understanding, helpful and honest, thank you!

I feel like there will be more cancellations over the next few weeks, but this time I will be ready with terms and conditions, and money in the bank.


Face It


Mistletoe & Crime