Life Is A Cabaret

So, last week I did my first spot of Ventriloquism for adults. I'm pretty happy with how it went.

I was nervous beforehand and it would've been the easiest thing in the world to have the puppet swearing… that's guaranteed to get a laugh, but it's not the laugh I want.

The material I shared was not for kids, but it wasn't particularly blue. The puppet I was using (debuting) was Ned. If you don't know, a Ned is what we in central Scotland call someone (usually a teenager), who might hang around a park or an alleyway, drinking cheap cider or tonic wine with their mates. They dress in certain brands (Kappa, Adidas, etc) and might 'bam-up' (openly mock or harass) passers by. When they reach a certain age, one of them will get a Ford Focus and they'll all sit inside it, in a supermarket carpark at night.

It's really on the nose for this particular puppet. But that's the point.

Anyway, it did go pretty well, and there's obviously room for improvement. But the other great thing about that night was that I was just one of several acts in a cabaret!

I had a great night. There was a burlesque drag act, a comedian and singers. It's always great fun when I get to be part of an ensemble cast but they are few and far between.

Times are changing, but I hope people will continue to support nights such as that one… Don't let cabaret, or indeed, live entertainment, die.


An Announcement…


Last Minute Nerves