Getting Creative

We're getting there…

But until we do, here are a few ideas to try at home, to keep the kids amused.

  • Let them draw small pictures in the bathroom sink, with erasable marker. Then run the water really, really slowly. The pictures will rise off the porcelain and float in the water!

  • Find some odd socks (we all have them), a glue stick, some elastic bands and paper, and help the kids make sock puppets. Encourage them to put on a show for the rest of the family.

  • Help the kids feel like their favourite heroes or characters by doing a photo shoot. Just let them stand in front of a blank wall and add in a background afterwards, or put a suitable background on the TV/computer screen and let them stand in front of that.

  • Share a reading experience. Let everyone in the family choose a character from a book and that person reads that characters lines, in a funny voice of course.

  • On the subject of reading, why not cut up some pieces of card and let the children design their own bookmark?

Let me know in the comments, some of your fun ways to spend a day indoors.


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