The Suspension Of Disbelief

When you watch a movie, you know the people on-screen are acting, and reacting the way they are directed. If you read a great story or hear a song telling some tragic tale, unless it's based on true events, then you know it is just a story, but you have no problem enjoying them. That's what they exist for.

There are only two places, that I can think of, where the lines of fact and fantasy blur.

Magic, of course, and professional wrestling.

Both are filled with protected secrets, both are called β€˜fake’ (an absolutely nonsensical term), and both are things that the general public aren't quite sure about.

Can David Copperfield actually fly? Well yes, in that theatre, he can.

Can The Undertaker summon bolts of lightning to strike the wrestling ring? He can on TV.

Could 5’7”, 140lb Rey Mysterio defeat 6’5”, 280lb UFC Champion Brock Lesnar? Well, he did.

Can I actually make a coin vanish? You can no longer see it, right?

My point is that just like the stars of WWE, etc, we magicians don't expect you to believe that we’re sawing someone in half. We just want you to be entertained and mystified for s short while.

If you go into a magic show or a wrestling show, with the mindset of β€˜This is so fake, I'm not going to believe any of this,’ you're really doing a disservice to yourself.

Just switch off, relax and enjoy the show.


Let me know in the comments what you think of today's blog entry.

Also, if you've ever wondered about professional wrestling, but you weren't sure what to watch, just find a Royal Rumble match, or Best Of WWF 2001, and dive in. I promise you won't be disappointed.


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