How It All Began… part four

I would learn one or two new effects every few days and then I'd go to the pub and show what I'd learnt.

If I'm being completely honest, I want’t in a great place at the time, so I was at the pub a lot, six nights a week usually, and drinking in excess each night. The one positive I had from that was meeting more and more people. They'd all be asked to pick a card at different times, and the more they liked it, the more I'd do.

I'd end up getting drinks bought for me most nights and coming home with more money than I left with.

After showing some magic one night in a pub, a man I didn't know approached me and asked for my contact details. I thought nothing of it and handed over my number and Facebook details.

About a week later, he got in touch and asked if I would consider performing at his wedding in a few months. Of course, I jumped at the chance. He wanted me there for two hours and asked how much. I said ‘£75?’ he said yes, and I was elated! (I charge more than that now, so don't get excited 😂)

By this point, Marc and I had just moved out of the flat we had shared, and I was spending a lot of time with someone in Glasgow. She informed me it was her nephew’s birthday soon and asked if I'd do a kid show.

I went to Tam Shepherd's in Glasgow and bought a couple of pieces (some of which I still use) and threw together a quick show. I didn't want posting for that, but the boys parents gave me £60, for which I was grateful. The show went’t great, but having two official ‘gigs’ in the diary (although only one had taken place so far), I grew confident enough to start advertising.

The first event I actually performed at, for strangers, as a professional magician was a Hen Party. It was intimidating, I was sweating all the way through it and u direct a third of my fee on travel to and from the house where the party was taking place.

I loved it though! After that, I just kept taking bookings until, eventually, my manager at the time told me I had to choose. Magic or the job. Now, the job I had at that point was good. Good money, great co-workers, long shifts but plenty of time off in-between… but I knew that I couldn't live with regret. I had to give this thing a go.

I thanked my manager and said goodbye.

And that is how I became a professional magician.

I'll follow this up with a ‘story-so-far’ type of thing at some point, but if you've read this far, thank you 🙏


Every Day Is A School Day


How It All Began… part three