Read, Read, Read

When I was a kid, one of my biggest dreams was to have my own library! A room filled with shelves, from floor to ceiling, each one crammed with books. All sorts of books. Fact, fiction, activity books, instructionals… anything at all. I loved to read!

Now I'm older, I realise I do have access to every book in the world, and that access is in the palm of my hand.

I can use my phone, or my Kindle, to download as many books as I want. I can go online and order physical copies of pretty much any book that's out there. I have my library.

And I rarely use it.

I don't know if I've gotten lazier when it comes to reading, I don't know if ‘it's just not the same ‘, or it might be the same problem I have when trying to pick a movie on Netflix. There's just too much choice.

Going to the public library, or to a video store, as a kid was like going to a Wonderland! So many options… but really, I would always stick to the same sections. So my choices were more limited than I realised.

I think that's what I need. I'm going to download/buy some books. Maybe five. And I'm not going to allow myself to get any more until I've read, or at least given a fair chance to, all five of them.

An unread book is a sin. Let's open the pages and dive in.


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