How It All Began… part two

So, the book arrived. I opened it and smiled at the first few tricks being taught. They seemed like they would be fun to learn and perform.

Then came the chapter on card magic. This is where things changed, massively.

I learned a few things and practiced them diligently, and as soon as I felt ready, I performed then for my friends.

The reactions were great (and showed me the importance of practice when I had rushed into one piece of magic before I was ready).

I was happy with the five or six tricks I knew and thought I'd always have them under my belt as a party trick.

I left it at that.

I moved back to Scotland in December 2008 and got a job in a local pub.

Occasionally, I would get the chance to show a little trick here or there, but I didn't think any more of it…


How It All Began… part three


How It All Began… part one