Story Time (2) One Night In Coatbridge

A couple of years ago, I was booked to perform at Frequency, a popular nightclub. They wanted me in for their Halloween night.

On the same day, I had already performed at a kids party and then at my residency in Viva Brazil, so when I stepped into the nightclub at 11pm, I was already pretty weary, but still excited to be sharing some magic.

The place was pretty quiet to begin with, but the music was not. I quickly realised that speaking was not going to be an option. The first group of people I approached couldn't hear me, and I couldn't hear them, although I could hear the man closest to me telling me to “F***ing disappear” (An hour later I could taste his bitterness when his happily oblivious wife asked me to come and entertain at her table).

Within thirty minutes, the place was jam packed. I was there until 1am and in that whole time, I performed the same four tricks over and over again. They were the ones I could do without having to speak 😂

It turned out to be a great night and the two ever present guys in the photos here followed me around all night!

It was definitely an experience and I had a great time, but if I could do it again I'd change one thing… my outfit!

I wore my smart, professional shirt/tie/waistcoat combo as I usually do when entertaining adults.

But it was Halloween! If I'd thought (and hadn't been rushing from gig to gig) I would have gone over the top and put on a top just, had a stuffed bunny and carried a magic wand. But, we live and learn.

Let me know what you're up to this Halloween, and keep your eyes open for some spooky themed magic!


Story Time (3) The Case Of The Busy Train


Story Time (1) The Vanishing Wedding Party!