Story Time (1) The Vanishing Wedding Party!

Not so long ago, I was booked to drive to Gretna Green and entertain the guests of a wedding.

The gig was booked and paid for months in advance. I had the first name of the bride to be and an 8pm start time, but because it was booked through a separate website, that was all the information I had. The venue and start time were to be confirmed at a later date.

I had a particularly busy week leading up to the date so it wasn't until the day before the wedding that I made an effort to get in touch.

Months had passed with no contact, but this was not that uncommon. So, I looked in my diary and it came to me… just a name and a time. That was all I had!

I checked my emails. I checked the website the booking came from. I checked my emails again, and my text messages. Nothing!

I got in touch with the booking website and they couldn't find anything. I called every venue in Gretna Green. Luckily it's not a huge city.

After getting past receptionists and event staff who couldn't tell me anything due to security (frustrating but understandable), I eventually figured out that if I just asked β€˜Is there a wedding taking place at your venue tomorrow?’ I had it narrowed down to two venues.

The next day, I got into my car and drove in almost a straight line for a full hour, until I reached the village. Smith's Hotel is a nice venue and one I've performed in several times. So I started there.

I parked up, jumped out and headed for reception. The staff member told me that there was one reception taking place and she guided me. I went in, found the bridal party, all sitting having a drink and a laugh, explained who I was, and they had no idea what I was on about. Strike one.

I wished them well and headed to my car. I drove for about 45 seconds to the next venue and the place was in darkness. It was a small place which seemed to be used exclusively for marriages, and it was clearly closed. Strike two.

Just to be safe, I took a drive around the whole village and I couldn't find anyone, or anywhere any wedding reception would be.

That was strike three, so one more time, I checked my emails, texts and call history, still nothing. So I got in my car and drove home.

To this day, I still have not idea what happened. Events do get cancelled, but I'm normally informed, especially when the booker has already paid!

Maybe the couple split up, maybe they just forgot, or maybe the whole thing was a dream!! (It definitely wasn't)

Now, I take all the details I can when I'm taking a booking, regardless of where, when or who!


Story Time (2) One Night In Coatbridge


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