Practice, Practice, Practice!

Every time I end a kids show by making and giving out balloon-models, I'm told by at least one of the children that I'm really good at balloon twisting. I mean, I'm not really, but I can do enough to impress the audience.

When I perform for older people at weddings, etc, they tell me I'm good at ‘the old sleight-of-hand’. I'm pretty good at that.

When I'm onstage, bringing puppets to life, I'm told I'm good at ventriloquism and at making people laugh. Yeah, I'm decent.

I always have the same response though, I always tell them (especially children) that it all comes down to practice, and they can do anything they want to, if they practice enough.

It goes for adults too, regardless of age. If you get the sudden urge to learn piano, or to learn how to draw or cook, or anything, just do it.

Dive in and give it a try. You might not be very good, but keep trying and keep practicing, and I promise you will get good at it. Whatever it is!

Something I discovered early on in my magic path, is that the best way to get good at it, is to do it!


Dinosaur… Or Dragon 🤔


I Don't Like Magic!