Graphic Learning

Occasionally I'll find time to look at the files on my phone. Sometimes there'll be some magic books I've downloaded, or a pdf I've saved to look over, and sometimes it'll be a comic book.

I was looking at a horror comic the other day and one of the ongoing stories is about a stand-up comedian in America who's act isn't going well.

Eventually he gets into a car accident with a far more successful comedian. The popular stand-up dies and our protagonist find himself inhabited with his friends spirit.

Suddenly, he's getting laughs at every performance. He eventually wants the spirit of all time great, Lenny Bruce. Obviously, things start to go awry.

Anyway, the thing I really like about this story is that it shows what I wish I'd known when I tried stand-up comedy, and something I did and do use in magic.

Keep trying. If something gets a reaction, keep it. If it doesn't (again and again) then get rid of it. The following panels show pretty much what I mean...


Multiple Personalities


A Decade Of Deception