Tick Tock…

I sat up a little late last night. I was on my couch at 1am, finishing off a bottle of red wine and watching crime drama, Unforgotten. Halfway through the episode, I glanced at the clock and it was roughly 1.25am, and then I looked at my phone. That said 2.25am! I'd forgotten that the clocks went forward.

Whether I remember it or not, it always surprises me when we gain, or as in this case, lose an hour.

I know they say it evens out over the course of a year, but still, let's use this 23 hour day to motivate us.

If there's something you want to do, do it now. I've been putting off finishing the short story I'm writing, but now I feel I have lost an hour, I want to crack on with it and get it done.

It's no good leaving things too late, when each day could be our last chance to do something.

Do you want to start training to climb a mountain?

Do it today!

Do you want to tell someone you love them?

Do it today!

Do you want to complete that video game, or box set?

Do it today!

Whatever it is, get it done and remember that time is the most precious commodity we ever get. Use it.

Let me know in the comments what you are planning to do.


Dr. Footlights


Practice Makes Uhh… Perfect(?)