Watch Your Mouth

As a family entertainer, I really try to remain conscious of the way I speak, and the words I use.

More than once, I've been at a party or an event for kids and the DJ, or another performer has turned the air blue. I don't get it. I mean, I know how they get the work. They're cheap, or someone's uncle knows someone who will do it for a few pints.

Recently, I was performing at a kids birthday party in Hamilton. The DJ came and said hello to me as I was setting up, and he seemed like a decent guy. His music was incredibly loud, but it was stuff the kids and families and seemed to be enjoying. George Ezra, The Macarena, Sweet Caroline, etc.

I finished my set and he decided it was time for a game for the adults. He had the women put their makeup and handbags, etc on their husband's and partners. It was all in good fun to start with, but pretty quickly he started telling the dressed-up men that they were proper ugly bxxxxxx and that he had seen better looking cxxxx in the roughest nightclubs in Scotland 😲

I didn't know where to look! I'm not adverse to a bit of swearing, but the hall was full of kids, and the DJ was saying this over the mic πŸ™ˆ

Maybe it's just me, but doing a job, any job, should carry at least a bit of professionalism πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


The Money Shot


β€˜Sorry to call so late…’