The Blackpool Magic Convention

Today is the day that I travel to Blackpool to attend the world's largest magic convention. My first, and so far, only visit was in 2020, which was also the last time the event was held (in ‘real life’).

I had planned to visit since 2008, when I first discovered a love for magic, but for over a decade I was always working, or more commonly, skint!

When I eventually made it, I enjoyed it completely. Except, I felt a little bit lonely.

Anyone who knows me, will tell you that I can and do speak to everyone. Like, everyone. At Blackpool though, in the Winter Gardens, where the convention itself takes place, or in the Ruskin, a popular hang out spot for attendees, I felt like a fart in the wind, just blowing around, lost in a crowd.

I have no idea why I felt so intimidated, but I did. I happily approached TVs John Thompson and legendary magicians Mac King and Jay Sankey for a selfie and a chat, but when it came to everyone else, I felt like I was back at school. Of course, there were those who went out of their way to speak to me (without trying to sell me anything from their stall). People like Sirus Russell, Kev Mark and Ian Brennan. I appreciated that.

As for the actual convention though, I had a great time. I got to see Mac King, Lance Burton, John Archer and so many others do their thing, live and in person. I spent way too much money in the dealers hall, which really is like an unlimited toy shop for magicians, grown-up or not.

I can't wait to get there this year and see Craig Petty, John Lenahan, Mario Lopez and Paul Zerdin live, have a few drinks (and hopefully not have the psychological block I had last time) and meet new people, and of course spend too much money in the dealers hall.

If you're going, I'll see you there.

Now, I just need to negotiate with Storm Eunice…


The Blackpool Magic Convention 2022


Story Time (5) You Need Hands