International Men's Day

Whenever it’s mentioned that ‘today is international women's Day’, or ‘it's sisterhood day', or anything like that, we inevitably hear a chorus of ‘BUT WHEN IS IT MEN'S DAY?!’ from a certain group.

Well, it's today, so you guys can relax.

This is the description I found online…

International Men’s Day observed on November 19 focuses on men’s health, improving gender relations, highlighting male role models, and promoting positive expressions of masculinity. It’s also an opportunity to recognize men who don’t fall into traditional manifestations of masculinity, such as gay and bisexual men, transgender, or masculine non-binary people.

And as you can see from this poster, it is a serious topic, so please don't think I'm making light of it. It's just that some guys do generate a certain amount of toxicity.

Enjoy the day. Here are some of my male role-models…


Houdini (Not That One)


Don't Be Dumb (aka Think Before You Speak)