Tis The Sneezin'

Sniffles. Coughs. Sneezes. It's all to be expected at this time of the year.

Even before everything changed, winter was always the time to take extra precautions.

An idea I heard recently, which I like, is at a birthday party, let the child of the day blow out a single candle on a cupcake. That way, they get to stick to tradition, they get a bonus cupcake and everyone else can enjoy the actual birthday cake without worrying about germs and stuff.

Here are a few things I do to safeguard myself from airborne nasties…

  • Sleep - If I can get 8 hours of sleep, I will. This is a huge difference maker with regards to my health.

  • Medication - At the first sign of a sniff, I'll reach for First Defence, and after most shows I'll take a Vocalzone. They seem to help.

  • Water - We all know we should drink as much water as we can, every day, but how many of us do it? It's not easy. I'll have 1-2 coffees before I even start my day! But at this time of year, I do try to make a concentrated effort to drink more water and keep the body flushed of any toxins.

  • Get Jabbed - I get the flu jab every year and I'll continue to do so. And I'll get whatever other jab necessary.

Whatever your line of work is, and whatever else you do this winter, stay healthy πŸ‘πŸ»


Mistletoe & Crime


Houdini (Not That One)