You Like What You Like

I recently travelled to Cardiff, Wales to attend the first UK Premier Event from WWE and it was fantastic!

I used to, occasionally, get embarrassed at my love for professional wrestling, but someone said to me ‘You like what you like,’ and they're absolutely right.

Some people like to watch people kick a ball about for 90 minutes, some people enjoy watching other people being awful to each other on TV, and I enjoy wrestling. In fact, I love it.

This is my second Premier Event, aka PPV, and I enjoyed it so much. It was a long drive to Cardiff, and I now have no money, but to me, my stepson and the 62,000 others in attendance, it was so worth it.

Maybe you like wrestling too, or Star Wars, or Hobbits, or anything. Whatever it is, embrace it. Find and celebrate your joy!




Familiar Ground…